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What, another book? Why?

You can look through web page after web page, google for 'marriage problems', read through psychology and counselling sections of your local library, You will find much good advice, some of which will be hard to follow consistently because you think, "it's just not me". Or, you may pride yourself on being an ethical person, not a manipulator, so you're unhappy with the idea of following guidelines like: "and when she smiles, hold her hand and look into her eyes, and tell her you love her".

Some web sites, dealing with these topics, have feedback sections. Letters that you might find there have included cases like the man who had followed the advice, and got a 'gorgeous chick' hot for him - but it was hard work to be that way for her as it didn't feel natural, so he relaxed into his own behaviours, only to find she quickly went off him, until he started working the method again. This may leave you wondering: do you want a woman who has a loving relationship with a set of lines you learned from the book, or a woman who loves the real you?

  • This is not a book of tricks and techniques. It's a book about real people getting on well with who they really are.
  • It's not about how to "get" women. When she said "Yes" to the engagement ring you stopped needing that. Now you need to let your nice guy out where she can enjoy him.
  • It's not about how to improve your sex life. Your sex life is only one part of the languages between you and your wife. As those improve again, so will the sex.
  • It's not a book about how to make your wife act nicer to you. It's about helping you be nicer to her. Few women can resist that.
  • This is not a book about changing yourself. It's about remembering your good qualities and enjoying having them. Everyone will be happier.
  • This is only a self-help book. It is no substitute for the professional help that you should seek if either of you are dealing with serious legal or psychological problems such as assault, neurotic disturbance or substance abuse.
  • It's not about being "good" - meaning submissive. It's about having genuine strength, getting your needs too, as part of a sharing system.
  • This is not a book about "How to be Successful With Women", it's more about "How To Be Your Own Good Self". Because you don't want to spend your life nervous, or miserable, or keeping up an act.
  • This is a book about you. When you're happy and comfortable, relaxed and outgoing, you're nicer to be with - aren't you?
  • So let's get started on being happier.

    Warning: Some men "land" their wives by studying "How To Get Women" methods. If you used those methods on a woman and she became your wife, this book might not be for you. If those methods were not already your normal, comfortable behaviours, then maybe you should not use this book.

    Why not? Because if you do the things we describe, you're likely to become your own, relaxed self. You're likely to stop using the "tricks and techniques" that "landed" your wife. If those "tricks" were crucial to her loving you and marrying you, and you suddenly stop doing them, what's likely to happen? Right. She may well turn off. On you own head be it.

    But just maybe ...? - maybe she's guessed already that all that dating behaviour wasn't really "you". Maybe she's wondering who the real you is? Do you let her find out, or don't you? Risky stuff. Think about it, read the book, and make up your own mind.

    Copyright © 2007 Peter Leon Collins
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